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10:00 foam retrofeedback session !
mantra-ish mirror chant:

evening decision to take !

10: 5 1
t=0 performing secret algorithm session 
annie, marika
secret place.. will (maybe) p ropagat e during the day ... or not

1 1h05 -11: 4 7
Isabella, artyom, gosha
Technoshamanism : downstairs, in the space with the red sits
everybody welcom e
(any parallel session for the ones not interested?)

11:4 6 -1 7 :0 3
Researches processes groups
* Bokrijk - Anne-Laure , axel, isabella, vesna, sumu http://etherbox.lan/pad/p/Bokrijk
* frequencies - Gosia, Mauro, An http://etherbox.lan/pad/p/frequencies
* Witches - Arthur, Gaspard, Artyom http://etherbox.lan/pad/p/witches
* Tree Spirit Attractor (TSA1/2) - Jack
* Spell generator - Maeva (TSA 2 /2) -- needs help!! Ils, Femke , peter , Isabella  (thank you all!) http://etherbox.constantvzw.org/pad/p/Spirits_vocabulary + http://etherbox.lan/pad/p/Glossary
* Circles - Tiina : going on going in the forest, in the dark  
* Performing processes - secret, propagation of algoritms - 
annie marika discuss optimisation / what was left out in their process and continue (des)optimisation http://etherbox.lan/pad/p/algorithmicperformance
* Queer analytics ed room at 15:00 http://etherbox.constantvzw.org/pad/p/queeranalytics
* Optimization maybe at 13:30
* Light memory

13:0 2

14:0 1 - 14:58
Protective (??) Optimization Technologies
Studying POTs article page 3-5, understanding and extending mathematical model/proposition (with Seda)

14:01 - 14:59
Imagining/expanding spirits (kappittel zaal ?)

15:06 - 16:55
Queer analytics hands on session
Red room
damage discussion, hour analyses, half hour feedback
(bring your damage)

17:0 4  
Sharing/organising for s é ance

eating together ! salade bread cheese spread.. and yesterday soup!

19:31 -22:30 rituaction ²
night - new moon!!! no moon non moon not moon
Seance yeah!
write your proposals here :
+ we 'll make some kind of agenda there.

[MC confirmed for tomorrow!]

Notes Sharing

Spell Generator
Spell casting instructions, printed for everyone
(feel free to join, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to)

generated spells
new moon : rebirth, renovation, time for new thoughts
interferences of the moon in the algorithm
Is it ok the computer will be with us? non humans respect !

Lumin escence Emission Session
-- you need your stone !

Queering Damaging Voices
sound file is voices of people who organised this, will be summoned tonight
1h conversation with Seda Gurses
working within computer science environment, tries to bring up discussions on labour & damage
difference between externality & externalisation
recorded (on the etherbox?) not yet, soooon
Externalities : things not taken into account by the algorithm, positive or negative
Externalisation : making hidden processes visible, discrete, explicit -- it is part of optimisation, and can produce externalies and then it becomes problematic
different ways on how it works, in order to make profit or to help someone / have therapeutic process
the operation might be the same, but with different intentions, you get different types of processes

Queering Damaging Analysis
go through the process, see what it does
3 groups:

first group on training trees
Learn i ng how to analyse, notate.
Applied the flip operator -- it allowed the trees to be trained
More information & pictures on the pad tomorrow

Second group on mud slide in italy
went slowly as you have to analyse all aspects of the problem
once you talk about agents, that's a big job to understand all agents -- and in reverse, you understand how easily you do not do that work.
operations to change the view (with the flip operator)
became very difficult, but mostly because of the time limit !

last group worked on database anxiety
final answer : data care based !
after some queer fonctions, ended up with care taker, or care taker trees
trees reclaim the agency towards hans and reinvent the relationship, to affect him in a positive way
therefore, the data care based relationship

on the queering method : like a therapy, seeing events with multiple perspective, mathematical formula for analytic process, operators pushes the user to think in terms of repair, care, etc... 
but good method on only one A4 !
we could do it because we're tuned (thorugh what happened this week), situated ourselves (expanded our languages, perspectives), did some brief reading

consens ual /condensed mindmap
it opens up to people in different way.

problem: you cannot divide a concept with concept, it gives a pool of imaginary results
full of imaginary result, but maybe that's the point
if that is the idea, that's fine
It is not so much in the doing, stays on level of imagination (really?) , perspective
by thinking differently, you have different space for action
risks to make big leap, no clear action
re-appropropriates ambiguity, nuance
covers ambiguity of words used in the making
you recover nuances through this process - impression
wanting to go somewhere, and the risk of loss on the road
-> db group had a lot of loss on the road (?)

Beguinage - old hidden stones
book 'De heks van Hasselt-Kermis', 20 stories
Ils discovered 1 story about beguinage in it, relationship of caretaking & history of beguinage in Hasselt
Polliet was concierge/caretaker of the beguinage, tells a story about the period he was here
one of Ils' colleagues still knows Polliet
start: reception

Spirit Essence Listening Session 
performance tonight, bring your picture!

keep going with plan of yesterday
Permutation code, needs 10 more minutes
A long l ist of doubts and concerns about this work

Secret Performing algorithm
Is the script still somewhere?
the last instruction was: 'if you don't find anyone to continue, give it back to Marika & Annie'
sharing can be tomorrow.
(it is being documented)

Witches in Hasselt
Decided to retake everyth i ng
A performance, working on a ritual with cats and fishes. rain would be good.
hopefully tonight , different parameters ... if it also rains tomorrow. Umbrellas anywhere?
Needing a cameraperson, at night it needs trespassing, to be close to the stone that links the cat to the fishes.
(small group is better)
Maeva will film.
They have the fishes, the text, the ritual...
Master of fishmarket was cutting fish & putting it into auction
next to it was compost p ile, where parts of fish where dumped that was not sold, was put
this attracted cats
this must have attracted witches 
created gatherings of sabbath
commerce + value + marginalised value + externalised cats = externality
flipping operation! (or the cat to the fish)
What to do with the 'waste' (again, optimisation)
cat soup?
regional deaths - remembering witches
Workflow chart = not waste

Feed back on technochamanism : 
Isabella explained the change of the notion over time
was coined in network of people in bresil, festival 2014
network between technology and spirituality .
a lot of ritual exchange between ppl from the cities and from the country side
it was not foreseen, but it grew out of a desire from all (?) agents involved
workshop more inclusive to the d ifferents participants.
rethinking notion of technology
who a shaman can be
Next edition in November 2019 in Brasil - Vesna proposed to do a parallel festival in Europe. It looks like it will happen!
1 week of festival
whoever wants to be in contact with this festival/network, tell Isabella!

Vesna brought herbs from Croatia
Properties: it is good for the respiratory system, and anti-anxiety

z33 and Constant will organise *something* in 2019, an afterlife, some form of making public the output of this process.

Etherbox material
everything that is on the box without specification: Free Art License: http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/
for software: specify your license in the script
copyrighted material can be shared on the usb sticks, will not be on the server of Constant (end of January)