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Training Trees damage
an attempt to concretely apply the Queering Damages methodology

1. putting words on the problem by following the questionnary

- What is going on here? 

- Which are the agents implied (alive or not, human or not, powerful or powerless)?

- Wheres (spatiality / situatedness / displacements / distribution)?

- Whens (temporality / durability / existing / extinct / repeated)?

- Semiotic-materialities: what signs and matters are at work in this ensemble? 
- Your entanglement with the scene 

- Can a pattern be identified here? To what extent is this damage structural, or singular? 

2. experimenting the formula

1. Define your field of interest. Cut apart and together an area of urgency. Set the scene, through naming the fields: 

ᘒ  ፨ ᚼ ⚘  ◊  ᗶ 

here we selected (On the experience and process of damage and pain, partial reparation, loss/disposession), ᚼ( On contesting anthronormativities), (On bioeconomies, lively capital, accumulation),  
(On computation, analytics, bioinfotech), and (On political fictions, poethics, figurations &/or wild fantasies, opportunities) , ፨ (propagation by mimetism).

training trees appears to be a case of dispossesion of the trees with their relation to humans, an exemplar case of anthronormativy, linked to economic, aesthetic accumuative bioeconomy (nature as a ressource to exploit/shape), a clear political fiction (nature/culture) and linked to technique.

ᘒ  ᚼ ⚘  ◊  ᗶ 

2. Declare your AE, Entangled Agents (myth, technology, ...). Æ = pH+pNH+pIH+pF

here we choose to focus on the relationship N/NH (for human/non human), a volontary and arbitrary cut, to explore this specific relation.

3. Divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital)

4. Where/when: Define the spacetime conditioning: (ephemeral, eternal, cyclic, linear, continuous, eventual, historical present, memory, extincted, dreamed, extended, distributed, dissoluted, dispersed, concentrated, catalized, centrifugal, centripetal, located, situated, regional, local, global, reachable, micro, meso, macro...) 

here we selected a historical present and located / situated, annotated in the formula as hp,l,s

5. Talking about relations. Analyze and notate the Æ through a consideration of its Variable Relations (Ω repair, Δ damage, a affects, E effects, © creative force, ≠ difference)

here we selected only those we thought representatvie, and decided to add operators to each symbol selected as an attempt to express the dynamic at work. Operators were selected within the generative operations catalog.

6. Apply at least one Generative Operation for your analysis, to see what it would do. Queering operations. 
These are tricky, they require you to take responsibility. Define their scale:
here we decided to apply only one operation, the flip. as a simple experiment
7. declare your QÆ = qH+qNH+qIH+qF+qd, declare the reconfigured entanglement: 

here we apply the operation and see what the changes appear in the dynamic. several variable relations appear, change or disappear. the changes of dynamic are expressed by the association of operators, as in 5.
8. Divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital)

9. Name the other end of the equation