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  Queer Analytics

"Queer analytics invites us to wonder together about the potential of microbial, animal, plant, mineral, cosmological technoscience, to situate ourselves in these mundane and alluring scenes, to consider these labours and imagine a collective life otherwise. It asks us to ponder the possibilities and limitations of informatics and to take seriously the affective forces of nonhuman animals and machines. How might we extend queer theories that concern personal injury into more-than-human ensembles, in order to consider the damages shared by humans and nonhumans? How can we generate ways that take us beyond reparative narratives or benevolent utopianism towards more-than-human life?"

Helen Pritchard, Jara Rocha, Laura Benítez. Queering damage: methodologies for partial reparations ... or not (2018)

Operation n: Attunement

Playing soundfiles, tuning to language + voice(s)

Operation n: Situation


Operation n: Bringing damages

"We need you to bring with you one or two experiences of "damage" in the broadest sense. They don't have to be personally experienced injuries: they can be observed damages or collective ones. It can be bodily damage, community damage, environmental damage, personal injury, historical damage, public damage, fictitious damage, cultural damage, file damage, structural damage, naturalized damage, computer damage, urban damage, transgenerational damage, geopolitical damage... etc."



Operation n: Questioning damage

time limit - not more than 20m?

Operation n: Incomplete reading, bibliographic resistance


Operation n: Subculturing

The (im)possibilities of being with a slime mold, spirit, stone, tree, ...

Operation n: From damage to queer damage, drawing the complexity of a landscape

1. Define your field of interest. Cut apart and together an area of urgency. Set the scene, through naming the fields: 

2. Declare your AE, Entangled Agents (myth, technology, ...). Æ = pH+pNH+pIH+pF --> H - Human, NH - Non human, IH-Inhuman, F - Fantasies/Imaginaries

3. Divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital): [dividing as a second cutting? Is this also a cutting apart together?]
4. Where/when: Define the spacetime conditioning: (ephemeral, eternal, cyclic, linear, continuous, eventual, historical present, memory, extincted, dreamed, extended, distributed, dissoluted, dispersed, concentrated, catalized, centrifugal, centripetal, located, situated, regional, local, global, reachable, micro, meso, macro...) 
5. Talking about relations. Analyze and notate the Æ through a consideration of its Variable Relations (Ω repair, Δ damage, a affects, E effects, © creative force, ≠ difference) 
6. Apply at least one Generative Operation for your analysis, to see what it would do. Queering operations. 
These are tricky, they require you to take responsibility. Define their scale:
7. declare your QÆ = qH+qNH+qIH+qF+qd, declare the reconfigured entanglement: 
8. Divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital)
9. Name the other end of the equation: [analysis of what the queering of damage can do]


GENERATIVE OPERATIONS (potentials for queering; modes of intervention):

>> remediate
^ scale timespace to n 
i integrate 
* multiply 
# speculate 
" renarrate 
♥ love 
↺ protest 
♙ resist 
♞ reclaim
↻ invent
✵ flip
⚕ celebrate

VARIABLE RELATIONS (a declaration of the relations in your scene of damage that you are you attending to):

Ω repair
Δ damage
a affects
∃ effects
© creative force
≠ difference


αe axiom of ethics (survival, caretaking, respect, responsability) 
αK Kapital (accumulation, acquisition, growth) 


ᘒ On the experience and process of damage and pain, partial reparation, loss/disposession 
፨ On queer politics and methodologies, contestation, affirmation 
ᚼ On contesting anthronormativities 
⚘ On bioeconomies, lively capital, accumulation 
◊ On computation, analytics, bioinfotech 
ᗶ On political fictions, poethics, figurations &/or wild fantasies, opportunities



                                                                     αe                 QUEER ANALYTICS--  OPERATIONS + NONPROFIT EXPERIMENTS  --  QUEER ANALYTICS              OTHERWISE...OR NOT
   ᘒ  ፨ ᚼ  ◊  ᗶ +   ^ + Æ (DAMAGE) / ∫   = ^ + ∬ /  (xΩ , xΔ, xa, x∃, x©, x≠)    +>> + i+*+ # +" +♥ + ↺+♙+ ♞ + ↺+ ✵+⚕ (tΩ , tΔ, ta, t∃, t©, t≠) =   QÆ (QUEERING DAMAGE OR N)
                                                                   αK             SPECIFIC ENTANGLEMENT                                                ---                  PARTIAL REFIGURED ENTANGLEMENT


(ᘒ,(≠፨),(≠ᚼ),⚘,◊) + Æ {
    (Twins,Parents,Doctors)/ʃT(immediate);(Media,La voluntad de reparación,El pánico ante lo queer)/ʃT(environmental);(Normative anatomy,Psychology,Gender Binary)/ʃT(structural);
    } + {
    (Twins,Parents,Doctors):(©+Δ);(Media,La voluntad de reparación,El pánico ante lo queer):(∃+Δ+a);(Normative anatomy,Psychology,Gender Binary):(Δ+≠);
    } + { 
      (Twins,Parents,Doctors):("+♞);(Media,La voluntad de reparación,El pánico ante lo queer):(...+♙+");(Normative anatomy,Psychology,Gender Binary):(...,...); 
    } ??? {
(Twins,Parents,Doctors):(...+...);(Media,La voluntad de reparación,El pánico ante lo queer):(...+...);(Normative anatomy,Psychology,Gender Binary):(...+...);



Æ - this refers to the entangled agents
(Æ = pH+pNH+pIH+pF) <--- ??? H - Human, NH - Non human, IH-Inhuman, F - Fantasies/Imaginaries

QÆ - this refer to the entanged agents after the queer intervention
(QÆ = qH+qNH+qIH+qF+qd) <--- ??? H - Human, NH - Non human, IH-Inhuman, F - Fantasies/Imaginaries

(xΩ , xΔ, xa, x∃, x©, x≠)   - this is the long forumula of the (performance of) the entangled agents.

 (tΩ , tΔ, ta, t∃, t©, t≠) this is the long formula of the performance of the entangled agents after the queer intervention (QÆ )

 So starting from (xΩ , xΔ, xa, x∃, x©, x≠)   - this is the long forumula of the (performance of) the entangled agents.

Instead of naming it as the entanglement Æ  - we represent it through its material-semtiotic relations that we break down as vairable relations of

X Ω repair
X Δ damage
X a affects
X ∃ effects
X © creative force
X ≠ difference

This assumes that there is a relation of 
Ω repair
Δ damage
a affects
∃ effects
© creative force
≠ difference

in each of these entanglements/ensembles.  

However  this is the mega forumula and we imagined not of all of these always appear in all cases... 

Once we make visible this variable relation and its X  to analyse and then make a queer intervention on - 

so for example if affect is a sigifanct relation in your case - you migt focus on that to make the queering

Therefore after the queer intervention the variable X becomes named as T (after going through a transformation). 

  NB: We were very uncertain if we were defining these in the right way in the rules of forumula! 

  +>> + i+*+ # +" +♥ + ↺+♙+ ♞ + ↺+ ✵+⚕

1st session gender blending
constant sessions

proposal : boolean logic gates operators adding one new operator but gate
- but gate : stop the circuit and raises a concern
not go out of the logic system but add some new feature

june 2018
jara rocha + h elen pritchard : session age ing companions
reflexions on animals hackers
- like cows hacking the milking system, or biocircuit 
what it means to age together at different scales : human time, technologies time, 

october 2018
workshop : set several operations
- sound piece : attuning the language / voice - listenning is important

rotting / riotting

hold the damage together, as part of the repair itself
communicating about the damage

damage analysis into queer methodology
Some definitions first

discussions on optimisation

cosmic rays

0 & 1 is a moment of time and not given
can we imagine flipping bits / floating bits / unstable bits that hesitate between 0 and 1

discretization is not the pb but the fact that it is diconnected from its source
back to karen barad cutting appart

operation 1 trying to index the damages
cf : https://queeringdamage.hangar.org/index.php/OPERATION_1

invitation to people to bring damage

going through a questionnaire, 1 to 1 meeting

they compile a reader https://queeringdamage.hangar.org/index.php/READER

legend of semiotics https://queeringdamage.hangar.org/index.php/OPERATION_2

session was followed by a 1h meeting séance of a slime mold
slime mold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slime_mold
-- or in french https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxomyc%C3%A8tes

unability to compute
impossibility of the relation

Maryka surprised by the choice of 'damage', to (only) analyse when it already happened.
Preventing damage?

black swann or blank swann
controversy between taieb and ayache


What does QA do?

Thursday evening: 
Related material -

* a book by Sarah Schulman "Conflict is Not Abuse" - http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/gender/2015/07/07/sarah-schulman-on-conflict-is-not-abuse-rethinking-community-responsibility-outside-of-the-state-apparatus/

* "incorporating the damage into the aesthetic of the restored item, making it part of the object’s history. " = Kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"),[1] is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-etechnique.[2][3][4] As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi  

(also "In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wabi-sabi

(and Taoistic view of "realitiy being as is, rather then good or bad (or damaged) _ 

Discussion with SEDA(some randoms notes)
externalities / externalisation
way and purpose of externalisation, standardisation

holding damage

annotation of data : describe the picture of the cat being a cat si the computer can understand and use the picture

obfuscate the fact that you are/ were a waste
difficulty to conteste optmisation, necessity to talk in this laangage
relation between german pension fonds, sustained by people who want's to defend the rights of german and investiss in mines in south africa with awfull work condition : who is being optimised ? 
for your info, a pot is a dyke in dutch :)

Damages :
    One by axel
    One by Dona
    + list of damage

Dividing on 2 or 3 groups, and do analysis
20 minutes 
- to decide how we work
- interviewing the damage

50 minutes to do the analytics


Notes after the session

Tiine: the problem of abstracting, how can it make any sense if the meaning of the symbols change all the time.

Trained tree

- the interview of the damage is inside the formula
- only one queering (flip human in trees and trees in human)
- need more time symbols/handle different timescales
- no sign for propagate, might need to add
- new sign/logical operation = ! (to say: negation of difference)
- did not really activate aethics/kapital -- framed the formula. This is a framing possibility, would be interesting to have more.
- ^ as shorthand
- applied flip (but love could have worked too): shaping/train humans by trees
    multiplied repair
    flipped damage
    humans are full of love (really?)
    creativity multiplied (or boredom?)
Damage from tree morphic vision?

Database anxiety

Analysis proliferates, instructions need to invite to cut down
Time needs to be a more prominent agent somehow


Trying to be super precise
Interesting to go through everything

Did we think it was helpful, could change the damage? 
Yes, it is changing the angle, it is therapeutic, it opens perspective

Symbols doubles the vocabulary -- a different lense/lenses
A way to do therapy disguised as analytics

Nice that is collective, conversation