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1. field of interest: setting the scene:
ᘒ On the experience and process of damage and pain, partial reparation, loss/disposession
⚘ On bioeconomies, lively capital, accumulation
◊ On computation, analytics, bioinfotech
2. AE, Entangled Agents
Æ = pH+pNH+pIH+pF -->
H - Human = Hans, volunteers, gardeners
NH - Non human = trees
, database
IH-Inhuman =
people stealing plants (St)
F -Fantasies/Imaginaries =
fears / anxieties
of Hans)
F_Comp=(the compulstion / need to log everything)
F_at=(the anxiety of the trees to be logged in a DB and having there privacy not respected)
Divide by the axiom :
αe (ethics)
caretaking of the visitors, the trees, and to knowedges.
αK (Kapital)
the growth of the database
, sharing of data is problematic
4. where/when :
cyclic + memory, ad hoc
(at lunch-time), recent, urgent
5 - relations
Hans © DB
(Hans + T) E DB
(DB + T) a Hans
(this is the one we queered!)
Hans Ω DB
(Tr+ T) ≠ DB
St Δ Hans
T a Hans
T a DB
(Ω repair, Δ damage, a affects, E effects, © creative force, ≠ difference)
∫ = ^ + ∬ / (xΩ , xΔ, xa, x∃, x©, x≠)
6. Generative operations:
>>{DB a Hans}
i DB (T)
⚕(H) © # comment -> celebrate the "knowledge" contained in DB ,
# by suggesting that Hanse gives presentations about his work
♙(F_Comp) -> r
sist the compulsion to log everything (it's not always usefull)
(gardeners) ♥ Tr + (gardeners) ♥ DB => * (gardener) E DB
↺(St) ->Protest the thieves
TR♞ + ↻ (H)
-> Tr
ees reclaim and reinvent relations with Hans, so they can take care of him
volunteers ↻ FLOSS DB
Q: T
♞ + ↻ (H)
to explain it to myself:
♞ + ↻ (H)
[here trees reclaim agency towards Hans, so they can take care]
8 - divide by the axiom
[before Q and after Q]
αe (ethics)
caretaking of the caretaker by the caretaken trees
αK (Kapital)
- the growth of the database
- trees are now stronger, because they learned how to take care of Hans, so they can resist better to thieves.
9 -
before: Database Anxiety
-> process of queering ->
Data Care Based
Link to:
- What is going on here?
The damage concerns the relationship between the natural green entities collectd in the Bokrijk plant collections and the green collection manager. This relationship is damaged by the time-consuming use of a never-up-to-date database whose objectives are unclear or ambiguous.
- Which are the agents implied (alive or not, human or not, powerful or powerless)?
the green collection manager, the green entities individualy and collectively (aka the Forest), the gardeners, the labels put on the green entities to classify them, the software used for the database.
- Wheres (spatiality / situatedness / displacements / distribution)?
The place is the Bokrijk domain, but specifically the separation between an outdoor situation (the green collection manager being among the green entities) and an indoor situation (the green collection manager being at his desk, with the database). Same is said about the gardeners.
- Whens (temporality / durability / existing / extinct / repeated)?
The database is being talked to by the green collection manager or the gardeners when they have time between outdoor works (during lunch or when it rains).
- Semiotic-materialities: what signs and matters are at work in this ensemble?
The green collection manager experiences database anxiety. He's fidgety and unhappy about the database.
The trees and plant of the collection feel their privacy invaded, and fear they might be exploited for commercial reasons.
The database is underused.
- Your entanglement with the scene
I felt empathy for the humans (green collection manager and gardeners) trying to cope with the damage and stay with its trouble. In particular, it seems they can not profit from the help of the Forest as they could and as we experienced it when we want there and talked to the trees. More generally, I can associate with this damage because of its structural nature - how science prevents the object studied from taking care of the subjects that study them.
We are trying to heal the damaged relationship.
- Can a pattern be identified here? To what extent is this damage structural, or singular?
I believe the damage to be tied to a singular situation (the green collection manager being new in its position - 1 year) but also tied to the discrepancy between different ways of knowing, of sharing that knowledge, and of caring, so in a sense it is structural : it reveals the inability of digital/virtual/scientific representations of the Forest to fully account for the relationship between humans and non-humans as they experience it.
Beautifying the formula, for the presentation / exhibition :
TR♞ + ↻ (H) [here trees reclaim agency towards Hans, so they can take care]
ᘒ ⚘ ◊ + Æ { DB, T, H, Tr } = ∫ (DB +T) a H
Tr ♞ © + ↻♥ (H)
∫ = ^ + ∫∫ Tr Ω (H) + Tr a H
pH+pNH+pIH+pF --> ∫ = ^ + ∬ / (xΩ , xΔ, xa, x∃, x©, x≠)