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Luminescence Emission Session
(20 minutes)
Main light in the space is on.
(While outside, mediator speaks to participants)
In this session, we revive, intensify the relationship with our stones, and pay tribute to them.
Please take of your shoes.
When you enter the space, please have your stone in your hand.
You will see a luminescent square on the floor.
Please sit as close to it as you can.
We are many so we will sit close to each other.
Please do not speak.
(While seated around the square.)
Place the stone in front of you on the Luminescence Emission square.
Look intensively at your stone for one minute.
After this minute I will ask you to close your eyes.
(+ 1 minute)
While your eyes are closed, please keep your focus on your stone.
Please close your eyes.
(While eyes are closed)
You will see, hear, feel, four flashes of intense light.
After these four flashes I will ask you to re-open your eyes.
All the time, with your eyes closed, keep your focus on your stone.
(Main lights are being switched of)
(Four flashes, each from one corner)
(Stones are taken away and kept by two previously informed participants)
You will soon open your eyes.
After you have opened your eyes, please look at the spot where you have put your stone for one minute.
Please do not speak.
After this minute has passed, I will explain how we will pay tribute to our stones.
You can now open your eyes.
(+ 1 minute)
We will each of us, in turn, speak a thank you to our individual stone.
This is a cumulative tribute, we add up our individual thanks as a group.
1 The first person speaks two thank you’s, addressed directly to their stone.
2 The second person repeats the last thank you that was spoken by person one, and adds a personal thank you to it, in total person two speaks two thank you’s.
3 The third person repeats the last of these two thank you’s that was spoken by person two and adds a personal thank you to that, in total person three speaks two thank yous.
4 We repeat this process until every person in the group has given tribute to their stone.
Meanwhile, a note taker notes the collective thank yous.
5 When all tributes have been spoken, the note taker will read back the accumulated thank yous.
After that, the Luminescence Emission session is over.
(Carry out step 1 to 5)