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Wednesday : 

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Planning of the day
More or less something like that : (+15min)
10h morning practise  'Talking to the spirits' : based on notes/pictures of previous day (FoAM) -> Attic
We have uploaded today's practice here . It's a suggestive, poetic, (hopefully) slightly trance-inducing reflection/invocation based on the notes from yesterday:  
-> http://locust.fo.am/morning-reflection%20(wed).mp3
    - today it is Coil's Time Machines: Hecate ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8R7lgW7SZo )
The voice is meant to blend in and out of the sound, so it's not a problem if people don't understand everything. They can just listen and notice what bubbles up in their minds and bodies in reaction to what they hear. 

they are basing there medi t ation of what they find on the pad / may be we can introduce bugs into the morning practice of tomorow ? 

10h20 - 10h25 : intro An (Kapittelzaal)
10h25 - 11h30 : Brainstorming
11h30 - 11h45 : break
11h45 - 13h00 : brainstorming  
13H00 -14h00 : Repas

14-17h Collective work (Kapittelzaal + others)
17-18h Sharing or Karin lecture on Mother's Tribunal


"This is the talkingstick. It came from the Brussels forest" ( you just hold it. when you don't know what to say. wait until the stick loosen the speak, the words, and help you to express. )

waaa waaa waaa waaaa

W e are aliens, i am among aliens, a strange aggressive world
H ow to feel comfortable inside that, it is the challenge . It has to be different!
( i dont mean * you * are agre s sive, you are very nice people :-))
A lgorithms determine a lot about me . Frustrated by having to attune to algorithms. Would like to do something without talking, with objects and things. A performance? As a way to come back to machines. But it is difficult.
For example: a small group op people, everyone proposes an object, perform 5 mins with it. No explanation, no instrumentalisation.
re-writing and ite rating relations.

Interested in taking an algorithmic mindset, and connect it to older rituals. Starting from mythmaking/sensemaking.
ritual as algorithm 
keep it open
change ritual by using typologies coming from algorithms (loops, feedback, etc..);

Is not ready to share anything yet. Continues the movement. Looking for meetingplace between old knowledge and algorithmic knowledge, something in the middle. Is open for the journey!

Reminded of de-sorceler la finance. Rituals to un-do finances' magic. (cf: http://desorcelerlafinance.org/)
-> reference t desorceller (unbewitch) de Jeanne Favret-Saadra https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/d%C3%A9sorceler https://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2009/06/25/desorceler-de-jeanne-favret-saada_1211165_3260.html
tarot, pick up a card, words are linked
In shamanic session, had images and would like to follow this.
link images ... drawing. Draw images we/she cannot see.
journey with hans in the forest, help him make a map. he was passionate.

Now something different! L-systems, an algorithm that tries to model trees. Visualise data, but what data? 

No material ideas yet. What he is interested in: relation between programmed model, subject to operations ... and the actuall possibility go out of its own frame, the possibility of something else, not pre-programmed.

Before arriving: economic vs organic growth, another model - another imagination of growth
The engineering mind, defining processes with language, explicitness, machines.
Enriching this explicit language. and what can come from there.

What to do with all that happens here!
main interest = language . Bridging to another public as journalist . Difficult, but really wants to. 
interested in annie's suggestion, acting out an algorithm with our bodies. 

Anna Tsing: On Nonscalability: The Living World Is Not Amenable to Precision-Nested Scales

Would like to work with other pp around langage / logic. 
‘Other l o gics’ . Queer Analytics? https://queeringdamage.hangar.org/index.php/OPERATION_2
what other f lowcharts can we imagine , how can they organize a process differently ?
words and syntax
‘put energy in’
work through pages of an article she likes ( Article on POT in the reader ? yes ), make some form u las that can understand the effect of optimization ( algorithms )
tries to set up online conversation with one of the authors, Seda Gurses
http://alchorisma.constantvzw.org/contributions/Femke_optimization.pdf p3-5
maybe friday morning? waits for a confirmation but if Seda can not be there, let's try together :)

elements coming from the universe , radiations from the sun, the space
all of us ... sort of degradation, chaotic model 
how to manage the chaos (about mess in creation)
life managed by a chaotic model, 
trying to be rigorous himself, it's going to be a mess, how to ride the chaos ?
algos framed by huge companies. 

first step to make the chaos more peaceful
blackbox is everywhere, 'natural algo', it's not stg we write on the paper, but it also exists. 
it exists from the start, concept of interactions
he would like To think about remediation (repairing damage ... or not?)
Confrontation of something that looks logical, and something that is not

Wants to work with a pre-existing algorithm. And to perform one .
reccursive chain, embody it
more transparency...
hide algorithms in other things eg in Brasil where a far-right government has been installed that is dismissive of ‘forest law’. How might ‘subversive algorithms’ be installed in these systems that designed to continue to exploit, commodifiy and displace the forest and indigenous people?
Some examples, Performing Software weft in Constant:

extract from a stone or a tree a spirit
analyse the spirit
and find a way to give a representation of the spirit  

few ideas in mind : gods and spirits, talking to them and present them
present some entities she knows 
some gods that are present in Brasil, linked to particular natural phenomas
there are a lot of methods of speaking to them, methods 

algorithms on how to communcate with the gods and spirits 
references and actions

a leaflet, explaining the process to everyone:
energetic baths 
leaflet, salt & local plant
do bath alone
exchange how we felt

like making a special "soap for bath"? 
a way to clean your field
intersection between ritual / self care and performative act

A new law : slow down the process of demarcation of lands of indian reserves. 
use that as data to try to analyze and subverse it, because it is a disaster
Pattern that are calculat e d by computer : 
computer creating a n organic tissue/matter ... pattern to learn how to think ..
use those pattern as cards game, tarrot game.  

this morning he was sad / pretty bad mood
never never never never never created an algorithm.
it's uncomfortable for him the link with algo because he never did it 
feeling godlike
like creating a world
double bind , like being an ally. What is an ally here, what does that mean.

he's better now !

--first idea
related to hans and domein Bokrijk and the database
database idea for the Bokrijk forest and to help hans 
what doesn't work, what doesn't or can't fit in the database
Discussion, film (to edit many videos we made with our phones)

-- another idea
starts with analogy between rituals/algorithms
what we did the other day turns into operaions/ functions
rich material, trying to reuse that
create something out of that, algorithms that creates protocols
might be quite uncomfortable, due to intentionallity
feel the discomfort by performing the algorithm
make the discomfort tangible
re-use the material we have, the functions we have made

What touched her, the movies.
movies last night (tuesday) , not for young viewers!
different issues came up, very emotional one. reaction 

would like to work on algorithms as language
cannot do code, but work on the missing part
the leftouts

have some kid of visual with trees

stg visual for example trees
stg to visualize of our attempt 

maybe it's good that link... 
maybe it is good that these spirits stay sacred, maybe we're not ready ?
huge responsibilities if we find a way to link spirits and algos? 

work outside with plants and tre e s with intuitive method, 
intuitive method of thinking
silencing exercice top open up
purifying thing or ritual in silence could be great

A nne- L aure
work with data in trees , database.
work on the intention behind the DB what i t means for the trees ?

Offers facilitation, through experience, connections, skills.

opens to help for any projects

Join other collectives, how to do that better.

navigate all the boundaries and ...
how to as k for help. trust feelings, intuition

would like to connect this group to her other networks: hackers communities, network operator company, uncivilization mailing list
would like to squirrel all the links
archiving collection that they made bfore

collected many specimens in Bokrijk and in the beguinage, there is an exhibition downstairs! between the barier and the old church

loved the idea of embody algos
through dance
express non violent communication in process and dance in the algo 

wants to go to a sauna together. Another cleaning/bath experience? with steam and spirits 

brought herbs from croatia, and invites all of us to her to lodge in the mountain, free & open source cottage

visiting Han s again, help him to open that data (yeah)

To continue to facilitate a bit 
visiting some groups / input things in the discussion
Conv olutional Neural Networks , how to destruct, hack it by making it work with all the input we collected so far.

Accompagnate and see what emerge in the group. 
Stone / trees / spirit / Algorithm -> separated for now, want to transform it into processus / See what happend when me mixed this objects

Some thoughts: joining groups on language, what it does; subvert those logics. Has been doing this from machine to body, does not know how to go further -- reached a limit.
Would like to work on the other direction. Wants to work on optimisation/POTs, contribute some f rom her performative knowledge / body knowledge she has
Training the sick, the dead, the spirit. Resistance to presence of spirits? How to enlarge?
danger to let spirituality make technologies / become scary
be careful not to create same dangerous mix
Would like to know more about technochamaninsme (Gosha/Isabella) / can be combine with the propostion of isa
(a small study group on this, maybe? decidate an hour on this together? )

we try to think about the right s of non humans
wondering if we can imagine the rights of an algorithm.. 
not just blaming on technology. but what if we think of algorithms as species/companions , what would be the situation where it's a necessity to protect them ? 

The last thing: legal rights of forrests. "Individual" rights of trees, what is a good/ dea d/sustainable tree.
(but does not like to work with databases herself)

( is not here today, back tomorrow)
Huge suitcase , with multiple flashlights of different ages/exposures/time, thinking about 'photogramme'

like to take care
but proactive if she see a project she likes

Gosha :
Foam meditation :
working with sound, not making music but using numérical value of sound, to   
planetary frequencies or others

Not talk about projects
Let's keep t alk ing about research , process, study and not project
take time for exchange at the end of the days, reshuffling / re-organising should always be ok.

maybe in the end of the day is better so we have to sum up. 
personnal experience after meditation, intention for the day (and also inviting others into process/research)
and in the evening, sum up the work. 

Présentation of the Technochamanism : pictures of the last festival, présentation of the action.. gosha + isa ?
[ tomorow, time to be defined -- 1.5 hr] ?

Proposition for a présentation /workshop of algorithm notation, in a very specific way
as another group research moment
rewrite different times the algorithm, so that you get the notion of 'loops', 'conditions'
Between 1-2 hr, mainly for people that have not done this before.
This afternoon, after lunch?

/*Second part*/


Wednesday aftern o on

How to write an Algorithm
Workshop, session with RYBN


1 6 h 3 0
Mauro presents L-systems
(see below)

Mother's Tribunal
Presentation on trial


opening with FoAm (attic /train )

Meeting Hans in Bokrijk

Imagining spirits (kappittel zaal ?)

10: 3 0
Queering damage session (not kappittel zaal)


13h, train at 13 :33 :33 
In Bokrijk, forest
16h32 train back

sharing, z33


opening with FoAm


Protective (??) Optimization Technologies
Studying POTs article page 3-5, understanding and extending mathematical model/proposition (with or without Seda)
--> Friday morning


z33 Sharing





Expanding the notion of spirit
Meeting:  discussion of the spirit, spirit-imagination, other definitions .... define criteria... 
Defining a lang u age, symbols

Techno shamanism
introduction + exchange 

Queering Damage
Introduction, discussion
Queer Analytics https://queeringdamage.hangar.org/index.php/OPERATION_2
Logic gate addition proposal

parapsychogeogreological walk
a dérive seeking for the witches burn places
during the sabbath
research the archives
new moon group / séance
A walk along witch burning sites, an energetic sensing
-> Friday evening

Fire fighting fire methodologies


Performing processes, using algorithms
Method/process trying  
- intention / function
- reuse materials from 1st last days
- maybe this is only a moment
one session for 6 - 10 participants

The algorithmic beauty of plants
Finding common (or not-so-common?) symbols ... for spirits
Pan-psychic, invisible worlds
working between engineering and human language
Exercise based on language / an existing algorithm.
Mediating complexities

P ay a visit to hans / trees / Bokrijk with 2 groups :

Reporting, interviewing

Other logics, other languages
research that expands meta during the whole event, with two "iterations /sessions " in the studying moments -- see above!

Guerilla , Algorithm-activism, fight fire with fire
think of infection using the same logic
linked to hacker culture
like the financial trade algorithms
link to law proposal in Brasil (?)
we never talk about bugs/insects -> infection there?
deforestation, mining ....
-> try to be very specific, think of what is slowing down these capitalistic processes
Terra 0: through blockchain create forest, to buy itself (see reader)
+ look at forest activists doing data-activism
programming, visualization

Sharing a visit to a Sauna


Workshop w/ RYBN (14:30-16:30)



Mauro presents L-system (16:30-17:00)


Romanexco cabage / fractal , every vegetable has a pattern
Aristid Lindenmayer ( https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristid_Lindenmayer)
TouchDesigner based on python 
not open source, but 'free as in free beer'

the code (L-system) : indicate the way and then "draw"
    F = F+F-F-F+F
    + turn right and go forward again
    - F turn left and go forward again
it starts with F and then turn right go foward 
from 0 to 360 degrees, it grows as a plant, by repeating the one simple rule many many times

can also create 3D figures 

Generation = new iteration (recall the code again) of the code (-> characters that are translated into geometry)

https://derivative.ca/wiki088/index.php?title=L-system_SOP   -> go see the "Turtle Operators" section

"This is how nature works/It grows like this" discussion : 
Mauro: 'yes'
relationship between new branches/leaves are always the same
it is a fractal function, inside their DNA
'it is'
this means that in the relation btween you and the nature , there is no space ? 

He wanted to say that there is at the beginning a simple pattern and it repeat itself so that the plant can grows