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This pad is ment to give food to rybn workshop 

relationship / Algorithmes

look for 2 diffe r ent stones me et ings (wendy 's a lgorythm for the mini psycho geology ), never going more thant 30 cm up the floor --> images here: http://etherbox.local/images/workshop_04122018_morning_minerals_meeting_wvw/
or in the images folder

as soon as you apply an algorithm in the walk , you loose a lot (wendy do esn't aggr ee --> you look at the environment differently )

in the cities, the geological is hidden, you have every thigs mixed

melted chocolate, crystal structure
recetnly broken stones, how does it f eel to be broken ? 

change in the landscape shape, rain / stone, ice / brok, repeat

-> second exerciced

from a lithi c perspectiv e

/*we did'nt take into account 
the possiblity that the stone may want something bad for her, of for the world. 
Stone is wise, but we can also misreed her ? 
Put a squirrel in our algorithm ? 
or StoneHenge*/

Variable : 
   one stone, associated with a type
   dictionnary of actions, and the type of stone that can have this action
   int i=0
   1 look at the stone

2 guess what she wants
 3  i=i+1
4 -  check if what she want is in the list and compatible with her type
 5 - if yes, do the action, then end. 

nice !
: )

Second group axel
6 operation, that are not straighforward, as possible function
bluring : debinnarisition bluring the oposition and erosion process

variable operated on 
can be applied to both human and stones alike
order this function ? are they looking at one another ? 
feed back loop between stones and human, weather
(i'm inventing right now)

third group ;
groupe / comon path of the group
what was guiding us ?  (living beeing ? pattern of the path ? light ? borders)
petrified hedgehog, banishing entrance.. 
algorithme as exploring, 
what is the stoping point ? 
repeat ... any numbers of time

fourth / arthur 
diferent processing that give the stone is shape time scale of the processing
surfacing, femke binder, mortar, how you make the stone as a human ? 
very loaded words
positif and negative space

what are the input and the output, how this operation switch ? 

input / output / operation, how does the operation change the input into output ? 
our observation change the way we can talk about the stone, the surface is a surface only from outside of the stone. 
just a begining :)

5th isabella
regend water protocole, with a map
seting up a protocole for sensing the stone of the citie : (walk, let the stone massage you feet, ... ) 
a group action / a methode of exploring the surrundings.

workshop RYBN
origial text of alchorisma, first sentence of the texte. Trying to infect algorims
suspition against technologies, most important part. inside the techologi
different project trying to connect technology. 
shape a common langage, ability to colonize things quikly. 

schedule : 

one hour introduction 
    few project of rybn
browse the source code
methodology, opening the process
- overview of recent technology
neural network logic (as an hybrid)
training algorithm, people organizing... alteration of the neural network
exhibid the way they work

proposition about this notation system, renew several warning

possibilie proposition that has to be extended. 
practical exercice
note and input that are already 
few interesting relationship with the words and the signs, the way of thinking. 

rybn (there are other members)

investigation on the technical objects
 (antidatamining )

experimental trading algorithme

invitation, with wiki / documentation place
different resources, relative to the developpement of algorithms... 
different codes and scripts to interact with a plateforme
comunication with an API. 
The market is a very esoteric world. 

asro traders, sport correlation, twitter, sentiment analysis.. 
different documentation for each project. 

Discussion of the solution proposed by the artist. 
Influenced by louis beq. (vampirototis.. ) 

explanation of the femto black pool
codes shared on femto black pool. 

one experimental server, with the API where you can take the date from the market place. 

objectif : contaminate the market with the model. 

obsession with the financial market. 

throw stones , and look for what whape they are forming
martin is foloowing the moves of satelites and use them as the stones are normally in the geomancy. 

GCP (global conscience project). 
if you disperse random generator, can you spot an event that influence the randomness ? 
look for chisquare stat, and then sell or buy on google action. 

How can we compare the models ? 

they all have their own agenda, and the objectif is not the same for all. 

harmony have decide to loose all his money, and is trying to find it back. 
algorithm made to check the proximity of the music with buying or not the project. 

data ghost GOOLEM : 
investigation, irrational esoteric ... (cf the resume). 

every technology is by definition kaalistique
magical power of numbers, that can influence the world. Cybernetic as a golem. representatif of a certains tradition
way to play with the letters
traduction of dictionnary in numbers

every log can trigger an event, and they try to make the computer destruct himself.. friedrich jurgenson


AAI chess, 2018


classifie and predict

Multiple layer neural network algorithme in image recognition.

notes AL